scrapy.spiderloader 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict
import traceback
import warnings

from zope.interface import implementer

from scrapy.interfaces import ISpiderLoader
from scrapy.utils.misc import walk_modules
from scrapy.utils.spider import iter_spider_classes

[文档]@implementer(ISpiderLoader) class SpiderLoader: """ SpiderLoader is a class which locates and loads spiders in a Scrapy project. """ def __init__(self, settings): self.spider_modules = settings.getlist('SPIDER_MODULES') self.warn_only = settings.getbool('SPIDER_LOADER_WARN_ONLY') self._spiders = {} self._found = defaultdict(list) self._load_all_spiders() def _check_name_duplicates(self): dupes = ["\n".join(" {cls} named {name!r} (in {module})".format( module=mod, cls=cls, name=name) for (mod, cls) in locations) for name, locations in self._found.items() if len(locations) > 1] if dupes: msg = ("There are several spiders with the same name:\n\n" "{}\n\n This can cause unexpected behavior.".format( "\n\n".join(dupes))) warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) def _load_spiders(self, module): for spcls in iter_spider_classes(module): self._found[].append((module.__name__, spcls.__name__)) self._spiders[] = spcls def _load_all_spiders(self): for name in self.spider_modules: try: for module in walk_modules(name): self._load_spiders(module) except ImportError as e: if self.warn_only: msg = ("\n{tb}Could not load spiders from module '{modname}'. " "See above traceback for details.".format( modname=name, tb=traceback.format_exc())) warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) else: raise self._check_name_duplicates()
[文档] @classmethod def from_settings(cls, settings): return cls(settings)
[文档] def load(self, spider_name): """ Return the Spider class for the given spider name. If the spider name is not found, raise a KeyError. """ try: return self._spiders[spider_name] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Spider not found: {}".format(spider_name))
[文档] def find_by_request(self, request): """ Return the list of spider names that can handle the given request. """ return [name for name, cls in self._spiders.items() if cls.handles_request(request)]
[文档] def list(self): """ Return a list with the names of all spiders available in the project. """ return list(self._spiders.keys())